Monday, July 1, 2013

Tasty Food Photography: A Giveaway!

YAY!  I just love giveaways.  And this one is really special, because it's a book that's helped me so much in growing this little blog you're reading right now.

Have you checked out Pinch of Yum?  It's one of my favorite food blogs, and Lindsay, the blogger behind it all, is the author of the e-book Tasty Food Photography.  She just came out with an updated second edition of the book!

If you are looking to improve your food photography, this book is an essential resource.  It includes tips on lighting, food styling, camera settings, photo editing, and more!  Even though I still don't have a DSLR camera, I've found the tips in the book really helpful.  After I read it, I started seeing some of my photos finally accepted over at Foodgawker and Tastespotting.

Lindsay has offered to give a free copy of the updated e-book to one lucky reader!  Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.  The giveaway is open until next Monday, July 8th at midnight.  Also, for a limited time (through July 8th), you can buy the book at a discount using this code: newversion30.

If you want to make your food look even better, I highly recommend this book!

To just go ahead and buy a copy, click here:

Tasty Food Photography eBook

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I pin lots of gorgeous food photos to this Pinterest board for inspiration.  Check it out!  While you're there, you can also follow me on Pinterest.

Becky at A Calculated Whisk



  1. Replies
    1. Yes! :) And there's so much of it in the summer!

  2. Question here:

    Is it possible to take decent photos with a point and shoot camera? A DSLR is so not in my budget right now.

    1. Hi Christina! I think so! I have a point & shoot camera, and I get some pretty decent shots, usually using the super macro setting. Lindsay actually has some tips on using point & shoot or iPhone cameras in the e-book :).

  3. Congratulations to our winner, Christina D! Thanks to everyone who entered. If you didn't win, you can still buy the book by clicking the link above in the post! Happy photographing :).


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