Monday, May 25, 2015

Chorizo Chicken with Olives and Roasted Peppers + Yellow Rice

Chorizo Chicken with Olives and Roasted Peppers + Yellow Rice | A simple and flavorful paleo dinner!

Most people love simple recipes. I'm actually the opposite--I want the things I cook to be a little bit of a process. Nothing insane, but a few different components. I love the act of cooking, and I usually don't want it to be over too quickly.

This chorizo chicken is the best of both worlds. If you want it to be super simple and quick, you can buy a jar of roasted red peppers or even leave them out. You can also serve this with a tossed salad instead of the rice. If you're looking to have a little fun, though, you can roast your peppers on an open flame.

Chorizo Chicken with Olives and Roasted Peppers + Yellow Rice | A simple and flavorful paleo dinner!

This genius recipe comes from Karen of Lavender and Lovage. I was assigned Karen's blog for this month's Secret Recipe Club reveal day, and had so much fun perusing her recipes. She lives in England but also spends a lot of time in France, where she has a cooking school. Karen has a huge selection of recipes on her blog, including several tempting choices like Scottish rhubarb and ginger crunchy streusel cake and bacon-wrapped turkey breast, which I want to make when the holidays roll around.

Chorizo Chicken with Olives and Roasted Peppers + Yellow Rice | A simple and flavorful paleo dinner!

Karen's chorizo chicken looked too good to pass up, though. I love Spanish flavors, and am currently obsessed with Wellshire Farms smoked chorizo. For this recipe, you brown the chorizo first and then cook the chicken in the flavorful oil left over in the pan. That and a handful of olives are pretty much all you need for a comforting and delicious dinner. I couldn't resist adding some roasted red peppers and a little parsley for some extra color and flavor.

I also made some yellow rice to go with this. I love packaged yellow rice, but it often has MSG in it. Turns out the homemade version is super easy to make, and will make your house smell amazing. 

I hope you check out Karen's blog and give this recipe a try!

Chorizo Chicken with Olives and Roasted Peppers + Yellow Rice | A simple and flavorful paleo dinner!

Chorizo Chicken with Olives and Roasted Peppers
Yield: 4-6 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes

Ingredients (adapted from Lavender and Lovage):

2 red bell peppers
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
4 links chorizo (about 3/4 pound), sliced into coins (I used Wellshire Farms smoked chorizo)
2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, sliced into two thin cutlets each*
1/2 cup pitted green olives, sliced
Minced fresh parsley, for serving

To char the bell peppers on a gas stovetop, set the flame to high and use tongs to place a pepper on top. Use a separate burner for the second pepper. Let the peppers cook until the bottom is blackened all over, and then turn them a quarter turn to char the next side. Continue to char until all the sides are blackened. Transfer the peppers to a paper bag and roll the top to close it, or place them in a heatproof bowl and cover with plastic wrap or tinfoil. Let the peppers cool until you can handle them. Peel the peppers and remove the stems and seeds. (You can see a quick video of me doing this here.) If you don't have a gas stove, check out this post with several other ways to roast bell peppers.

Heat a very large skillet or tagine over medium high heat. Add the olive oil and then the chorizo. Cook for 2-3 minutes until browned on the bottom, then flip and cook until browned on the other side. Use a slotted spoon or spatula to transfer the sausage to a plate. Add half the chicken pieces (or as many as will fit in a single layer) and cook until browned on both sides, about 5 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to a plate and repeat with the rest of the chicken.

Add all the chicken back to the pan along with the chorizo, green olives, and roasted red pepper. Stir to combine. Cover the pan and cook for 5-10 minutes, until everything is heated through. Sprinkle with parsley and serve hot.

Yellow Rice
Yield: 4-6 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes

Ingredients (adapted from Budget Bytes):

2 tablespoons ghee or unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/4 teaspoon bittersweet smoked paprika
Pinch of allspice
2 cups jasmine rice
3 cups chicken stock or water

Melt the ghee or butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the salt, garlic powder, and spices and cook for about 2 minutes, until very fragrant. Raise the heat to medium high, add the rice, and cook, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. Pour in the stock or water, stir, cover, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat so the mixture simmers and cook for about 15 minutes, or until all the liquid is absorbed. Let the rice sit with the lid still on for 10 minutes, then fluff with a fork and serve.

Chorizo Chicken with Olives and Roasted Peppers + Yellow Rice | A simple and flavorful paleo dinner!

To see other great recipes from Secret Recipe Club members, visit the links below!

Please note that the following linked recipes are from a general-interest blogging group that embraces all culinary tastes and styles. Please be sure to check ingredients carefully if you have specific needs or preferences.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Happy Reveal Day and Happy Memorial Day~ What a beautiful and tasty looking dish~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines.

    1. Thank you, Lynn! Happy reveal day to you, too! :)

  2. That looks and sounds amazing Becky. Beautiful presentation.

  3. I adore Karen's blog, and this is exactly the kind of dish that I love - I could eat this any night of the week. Great choice.

  4. WOW! You have made my dish look so tasty and elegant! I am so PLEASED you enjoyed this recipe and thanks so much for your kind words! Karen

    1. Thank you, Karen! I had such a great time on your blog, and this recipe is definitely going into the regular rotation.

  5. That is one incredibly gorgeous looking dish! WOW! :) Happy reveal day.

    1. Thank you, Sarah! Happy reveal day to you, too!

  6. Huge fan of her blog too.... and... and.. and.. YOU HAVE A TAGINE!
    and gorgeous red!

    awesome post!

    1. Thank you so much, Sally! Yes, I <3 my tagine :)

  7. This looks like a dish that would easily become a favorite in our house. Awesome pick this month :)

    1. Thank you, Melissa! It's definitely going to make lots of appearances at my place :)

  8. This dish is calling my name! It looks absolutely delicious, such bright and gorgeous flavours. Great pick!

  9. This recipe turned out amazing! Going to put this one my list to try. Hope you had a great Memorial Day and Happy SRC Day.

    1. Thanks, Traci! Happy reveal day to you, too :)

  10. I feel like there are definitely times for simple recipes...but also times for more involved ones! This meal looks so worth the effort involved!

  11. My husband would do a happy dance if I set a place in front of him with all of these olives. Great dish with simple ingredients! Happy Reveal Day!

    1. Haha, thanks, Emily! The funny thing is that both my fiancé and I are olive haters. I like the flavor they impart to the overall dish, but don't really enjoy the actual bites of olive. I'm working on it!

  12. oh man, i bet this smells amazing as it is cooking in the tagine. and tastes even better i'm sure. and i just reintroduced rice successfully, yay! can't wait to try this. xo

    1. Thanks, Amanda! The chorizo chicken does smell really good, but I think the rice smells even better. Yay for your successful rice reintro :) So exciting!

  13. I thought this might be from Karen's blog. I have known Tartie for quite some time and she has a fabulous collection of recipes. Great choice for reveal day! You have made it look quite delicious and made me hungry at the same time! ~Sue

    1. Thank you, Sue! Yes, Karen does have a great and varied collection :) I had so much fun exploring her blog!

  14. That looks simply stunning - fantastic colors and flavors, yumm!!

  15. Wow! This looks gorgeous and sounds delicious. Great pick!

  16. This is such a perfect weeknight dinner - it looks easy enough to make, but kinda fancy!

  17. UGH I could eat this every day of my life!! I love chorizo and chicken and any type of saffron/turmeric/aromatic rice is a-okay by me! Loving this meal, sister!

    1. Thank you, Julia! Yes, I want nothing to do with any white or brown rice when there's yellow rice around :)

  18. I've made something similar to this, such a great recipe!


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