Thursday, January 9, 2014

Prepping a Week of Paleo Breakfasts (Whole30 Day 9)

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Looking for something to bring to a cookout?  Check out these 10 Paleo Recipes for Summertime Celebrations.

Guys, I am going back to school next week!  Part of the reason I picked January for my Whole30 is that I knew having the first two weeks of the month off would help me get myself on track with my new eating plan before having the stress of school, work, and clinic added on.  Everything has been going smoothly so far, but it's about to get a lot harder.

The key to sticking with the Whole30 throughout a busy work week is planning and preparation.  This weekend I'm planning to make big batches of a few different meals so I can bring leftovers to school for lunch, and even eat leftovers some nights for dinner if I'm too tired to cook.  However, even though I occasionally enjoy a good dinner for breakfast, most mornings I want something a little more traditional.

So, today I'm sharing my plan for prepping a week of paleo breakfasts.  These ideas are perfect if you're doing a Whole30, but are also just great if you have a goal to start each day with a healthy breakfast.  Most of these ideas do require you to get up and cook, but it should only take about 10 minutes, and for a nutritious & tasty breakfast, it's worth it.

These are mostly phone & Instagram photos, since I didn't want to bust out the real camera while making breakfast.  You understand, right?

Here's the gameplan (scroll down for links & recipes):  over the course of 7 days, I'll have Paleo Porridge twice, omelettes with "paleo caviar" twice, fried eggs with vinegar once, a breakfast fry-up once, and Creole hash & eggs once.  I'll also prep at least 7 baggies of individual portions of fruits & vegetables, so I can grab a bag of hulled strawberries or sliced peppers and carrots to eat alongside my breakfast or on the train on my way to school.  A bowl of fresh fruit with chopped nuts on top is an extra special way to round out your breakfast.

1.  Paleo Porridge: In advance, make a double batch of this delicious recipe from Elizabeth of Guilty Kitchen.  Per her cookbook Cooking with Coconut Oil, try browning the banana first in a little ghee or oil before adding the remaining ingredients.  That extra step really amps up the flavor.  Refrigerate the porridge in two separate containers.  On a busy morning, just microwave one of the servings (add a bit of water), and top with one of your prepped bags of fruit (or a chopped apple or banana), a little ghee, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and some chopped nuts if you want to be extra fancy.

Note: Unless you have a big plan for leftover egg yolks, I recommend buying a carton of cage-free egg whites to use in this recipe.

2.  Omelettes with "Paleo Caviar":  Saute some of this fabulous filling in advance so you can use it to fill omelettes on a busy morning.  Full disclosure: I have never tried caviar--I just think this stuff is really good.  Shallots are my favorite.

To make the filling, heat a tablespoon of ghee (or coconut or olive oil) in a large skillet over medium to medium-high heat.  Add 2-3 minced shallots, and saute until they begin to brown.  Then, add 3-4 finely chopped zucchini.  Saute until the vegetables are nicely browned, then season with plenty of salt, pepper, and spices (don't add the salt earlier, because it keeps the veggies from browning well).  I enjoy mine with a little garlic powder & cayenne or Creole seasoning.  Stash the filling in your fridge--it should be enough to fill at least 3-4 omelettes.

When you're ready to make an omelette, heat a couple of teaspoons of ghee or oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium heat.  Scramble 2-3 pastured eggs in a bowl, and add them to the hot skillet, swirling it around so the eggs cover the whole surface.  Spoon 2-3 tablespoons of paleo caviar down the middle.  When the omelette is almost set, fold each side in with a spatula.  Slide the omelette onto a plate and top with salt & pepper.  If you want it to look extra fancy, garnish with a little more paleo caviar.  Dig in!

3.  Fried Eggs with Vinegar: This sounds really weird, but trust me and Food52: it's definitely worth a try.  It takes minutes to make, and all you need is ghee, eggs, and red wine or sherry vinegar.  The flavor is surprisingly awesome.  The recipe is here; just use ghee instead of butter.  Grab a bag or two of fruit, and you have a complete, gourmet breakfast.

4.  The Breakfast Fry-Up: I love this breakfast.  It's inspired by a breakfast Ben likes to get at The Haven called The Full Scotch, which has bacon, sausage, eggs, tomato, and grilled pineapple.  My simplified version is, in my opinion, more delicious.  You just need one link of fully cooked sausage of your choice (make sure there's no sugar or cheese in it), an egg, or two if you're very hungry, a banana, and some ghee or coconut oil.

Here's how I do it: Slice through the sausage to butterfly it, then place it cut side down in a large, nonstick skillet over medium heat.  When the sausage is browned on the bottom, flip it over.  Meanwhile, heat a little ghee on each side of the sausage.  Add the egg to one side, tilting the pan a little while the egg sets so it doesn't run everywhere, and cook it to your liking.  Slice the banana and place the banana slices on the other side of the sausage.  When they're browned on the bottom, flip them.   Transfer each element to a plate as it's ready, and enjoy!

5.  Creole Hash & Eggs:  Make the sausage & vegetable hash in advance.  Heat it up in the microwave or in a small skillet while you fry a couple of eggs.  Top the hash with the eggs, and breakfast is ready!  Or, heat the hash in a skillet and add a couple of beaten eggs to make a Creole hash scramble.

And that's the week!  Do you have any favorite paleo breakfast ideas that you'd like to share?  Please leave a link in the comments!  I am always looking for more ideas.

Want more Whole30 tips & recipes?  Here is a list of all the posts from my January Whole30.

For even more paleo recipes, check out these Whole30 posts from my archives or my Whole30 Pinterest board.

This post contains affiliate links to Amazon.  If you make a purchase on Amazon after clicking one of my links, I receive a small commission (the price you pay is not affected).  Thank you so much for supporting my blog!



  1. YUM. I haven't fully committed to whole30 yet but I've been heavily thinking on it. #4 is such a great idea!

    1. Thanks, Kelsey! I highly recommend the Whole30--I'm thinking about starting another one soon. I learned so much about how my body responds to different foods, and I lost weight without going hungry. If you do try it (or even just try some of the recipes), I'd love to hear how it goes for you!


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