Saturday, July 13, 2013

Weekend Wishlist

Okay guys, this is NOT a recipe!!! (I know, right?)  This is just a little post where I share some of the things I've been loving and craving lately.  Let me know what you think!

1.  These cupcakes (pictured above).  I made these for the last day of school and have been dying to eat them again.  I didn't post them here because they are basically just double chocolate vegan cupcakes with a milo buttercream.  To make the frosting, sift a couple of tablespoons of milo and a couple of tablespoons of cocoa into your regular buttercream frosting.  It's just a hint of malt, but it's SO good.

2. These cookies and this cookbook.  I pretty much want to make everything I see on Alexandra's Kitchen, and I'm a total cookbook (and cookie) junkie.  When one of my favorite bloggers recommends a cookbook, I'm DYING to get my hands on it.

3.  This breakfast from How Sweet It Is.  I love that blog and pretty much want to make all the things Jessica posts.  Plus, this healthy breakfast seems like a really good excuse to buy myself an egg poacher.  Aren't these pods the cutest things ever?

4.  An ice pop maker.  Do any of you have one?  I think someone should buy this for me.  I mean, it's not my birthday or anything, but I would make you lots of delicious popsicles.  I guess these molds would also work in a pinch.  I am also probably going to need this book for reference.

5.  There is a whole book about macaroni and cheese in the works.  It doesn't come out til October, but I'm totally pre-ordering it.  Macaroni and cheese has been my favorite food since I was born.

So, what did you think of this post?  Are you mad it's not a recipe?  I promise I'll be back with something delicious later today.  I'm off to snuggle with my boyfriend's cat and drink a bunch of iced coffee.  Meanwhile, what are you craving out on the world wide web?  Leave me some link love!



  1. I love "How Sweet It Is", great blog, and those pops look so tasty.

    1. I know, right?? Thanks for reading and commenting! :)


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